I will not talk about something scientific because i am not a scientist. This is also not about eating chickens, because if that is true, then we already know who will reign supreme in the future. I just want to write about what makes other people think a person is gay.
I am gay since the beginning, even before I knew what the word 'gay' is and even if I don't look like the typical gay that many people know. I didn't know how i become one. I am sure it's not the chicken's fault because we rarely eat chickens when i was young. If we do, we ate native chickens, free from whatever steroids that will make a person gay. Nobody ever molested me, so we have to take that out - that people becomes gay because they were molested when they were young. I was raised equally by my parents together with my other siblings in the same community and environment. I am the only one (I hope so) who is gay. So, I guess we have to take out environmental influences. So, what do you think made me gay?
I Am Gay Because I Am
Some people who came out told other people what made them gay. It's either one of those that i have just written above. I find this alibi, cowardice - blaming other people of what they are. That they are a by product of an awful incident or of a wrong environment.
I Am Gay and I Am Different
Yes, I am different and I am unique. Nobody is like me. It is intended to be that way. I am different but I am a normal human being. I don't want to see someone like me. It will defeat the purpose of my existence. If someone is like me, feels like me, do things like me and thinks like me; I would feel irrelevant. Everyone is different, gay or straight.
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