Getting married is a tough decision for many and getting a tattoo is difficult as well.  Deciding for the partner that you will spend with for the rest of your life isn't easy.  How would you know the right partner among the many wannabes?  Similarly, deciding for the tattoo design you want isn't a breeze as well.  There are too many available designs to choose.  What if the design you like now you will abhor in the future?  What if your taste changes?  Both are usually permanent.   You can get unmarried by divorce and anullment and you can get your tattoo removed but you will never be the same again.  Proof that you did get married before and you previously had a tattoo can't be denied.

Anyhow, life is too short.  Don't spend you life contemplating about getting married and getting a tattoo.  Go on, get married and have a tattoo.

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