Would You Enter Into A Relationship With Someone You Are Not Physically Attracted With?

While it is possible for you or any person to fall in love with another person even if you're not physically attracted with, would you want to be in a relationship with anybody you're not physically attracted just because you love the person?


  1. No I would not. I would always go for someone that I'm physically attracted with :)

  2. YES. if the two of u have this connection, undeniable chemistry. why not. nadevelop naman ang love love love :-)

  3. So you're into attraction first, love later? :)

  4. Is it possible for you to fall in love with someone you're not attracted with? If that happens, still you will not go into relationship with him because you are not attracted to him?

  5. No, it's not possible for me to fall in love with someone that I'm not physically attracted with. I would not go into a relationship w/ someone that I'm not physically attracted with :)

  6. yes, it is hard reality.Even feeling himself guilty, trying compensate it with good artificial respect...


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