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Massage and Spas in Tuguegarao City

Are you an owner of a spa located in TUGUEGARAO CITY?  or Do you know of a massage and spa in TUGUEGARAO CITY that you want to be listed here?  Simply supply the following information:

Name of Massage/Spa Establishment:
Telephone Number:
Website/Facebook Page:

send to this email address
or write the information in the comment box

It will be listed here in discreetmagazine for FREE!

1 comment:

  1. I tried this Massage during my backpacking in Tuguegarao... In front of Hotel Lorita...They have both male and female therapists...New, Nice and Clean

    Here's the address and contact number

    Thai Boran
    Tuguegarao Branch
    Contact Number: (078) 844 8886
    Address: Uy bldg. Rizal St., Tuguegarao City


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